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5 Steps To Sleep Success

Sleep challenges with little ones are so common. That’s why I’ve put together these 5 top tips that you can implement today and start making positive changes so that the whole family can be better rested. Small tweaks can make a massive difference!

#1 Bedtime Routine

Yes, it’s basic, but it’s KEY and one of those things that is often underestimated in terms of how important it actually is.

●     A bedtime routine is there to help young ones form associations and expectations around bedtime. They like to know what to expect so having a good routine is essential and you’ll soon find they lead the way.

●   Keep the steps the same, in the same order at the same time each night to get into that rhythm.

●   Bath, pjs, milk, book, bed

●   It’s particularly important for babies to help set their circadian rhythm and to start calming their minds down from the excitement of the day and allowing that sleepy hormone, melatonin to really get going.

●   In terms of length, 30-40mins is great for a bedtime routine before you expect your little one to lie down for sleep.

#2 Consistency

Consistency is all about the rules and responses that you give to your child. It helps them know where they stand, where the boundaries are and what they can expect from you so that they feel secure.

●        However you respond at night to your little one - keep it consistent. If you sit with them in their room at bedtime, you need to sit with them for all night wakings. If you respond with a gentle hand on their back and some shushing, then do that everytime.

●   If you bring your little one into bed with you, then that needs to be allowed at all times. Any confusion will just cause more upset and more wakings.

●   Consistency and commitment in sleep training is so key if you want it to succeed.

#3 Wakeful Windows

Wakeful windows are the average time that your little one should be awake for before getting another sleep in. These vary depending on the age, health and temperament of the child.

●     Remember - better daytime sleep leads to better night time sleep!

●     Make sure that you stick within your child's appropriate wakeful window for their age to avoid overtiredness creeping in and causing chaos.

●     When infants are overtired, cortisol and adrenaline - stress hormones - are released making it even harder for your baby to relax and calm down.

●     Some babies are very good at covering up tiredness until they are fully into overtired mode. The result is a very upset little one who will really struggle to settle.

●     Once your little is down to 1 nap, make sure that nap takes place in the middle of their day so they’re not awake for too long a stretch either side.

●     If the day’s sleep hasn’t been great then get them to bed early. You can do this up to an hour earlier if you need and this will help account for the lost daytime sleep.


Case Study:

A family I offered advice to had an 18 month old who self settled, generally slept through the night and woke at 6.30am.
She napped 11.30-1.30 so getting in a good nap length for her age but when her parents tried to settle her to sleep at 7pm she was crying for up to an hour.
I suggested that she was possibly overtired come 7pm hence the struggle to settle so we nudged her naptime 30mins later meaning she slept 12-2pm and immediately, she settled to sleep calmly at 7pm.


#4 Self Settling

Self setting is an ability to put oneself to sleep. It is a learnt skill. Some young ones will pick it up easily, others may need more help. Encouraging little ones to self settle can take time and is best done with plenty of love and support.

●     Whilst you can set some really great foundations for sleep when they’re little, you need to wait until they are over 4 months of age to bring in the gentle sleep training techniques.

●     It’s never too late, if your kid is 3, 4, 5 years old then you can still teach them but the techniques you’d use at this age would look a little bit different.

●     Take into account your little one’s personality, their developmental stage, your parenting style, the family set up etc before deciding exactly how you will teach self settling.

●     A common misconception is that to teach self settling requires putting our children through some terrible process and leaving them to cry. That’s not true. You can teach them in a way that is always responsive to their needs.

●     Once a child learns to self-settle it can smoothe that transition through the sleep cycles and allow them to peacefully enter another cycle after perhaps a quick look around to make sure everything is as it should be or just a little shuffle and wiggle into a new position.

#5 Ask for help!

There’s nothing worse than feeling like there’s no one out there to help. There is! Reaching out for that help can sometimes be the biggest step to take, but believe me - I’ve been there, done it, got the t-shirt and just wish I had asked for help sooner. There’s no gold medal for struggling through sleepless nights.

It's really important that with any sleep training, whether you’re following your own plan or a plan put together by a professional, is that you are committed and you will only ever feel committed if you BELIEVE in the plan. 2 KEY TIPS: consistency and wakeful windows.

If you don’t yet have the awesome Sleep Needs chart which details naps and wakeful windows by age then just send me an email and I’ll get it across to you.

Of course, if you’re still banging your head against a brick wall trying to get your little one to sleep better then get in touch and we can work towards getting the whole family better rested.

Let’s make those daydreams of sleep filled nights come true!

Natalie x


I’m Natalie - mum of 2 little ones and a baby and child sleep consultant (0-6ys). I work closely with families, using gentle and reassuring techniques, to help resolve any sleep issues whether it be bedtime battles, nap struggles, early rising, consistent night wakings or anything else! With my support and guidance, sleep can be restored for the whole family so you can get back to enjoying life and having the energy to really be present with your children.

To get started on your sleep journey, or to book in for a FREE 30min discovery call, please check out my website: and make sure you follow me on 

Facebook and Instagram for loads of tips on baby and child sleep