Why Won’t They Listen?
Why won’t they listen?
Communicating with your toddler to gain cooperation
Do your children ignore you, only listen when you shout or have their 'selective hearing' turned on?
It can push buttons and you end up losing your rag, especially when you've got to be somewhere or your patience has worn thin because you're just sick of repeating yourself again and again!
Or it gives you a heartstopping moment when they’re straying too close to a busy road and your yelp of “don’t go near the road” falls on deaf ears.
You’re not alone. Parents of young children everywhere lament the lack of listening.
I know it feels like it but your child isn't willfully ignoring you (I promise!) They just have different priorities, a slower pace of life and an immature brain that makes listening a little tricky sometimes.
So what can we do to support them?
It helps to understand the world from their perspective, to step into their shoes (yep the shoes you’ve asked them to go get half a dozen times)!
Banana Pancakes
Banana pancakes recipe that’s quick and easy to make. Suitable from the weaning stage.

Meat Sauce That Goes With Anything (1 Year+)
Meat Sauce That Goes With Anything (1 Year+)
(Image: 1. Image for top of post)
Meat sauce is one of those popular dishes that I’m sure each household have their own way of making.
For me, just like my Japanese Curry, I put emphasis on the onions. It’s all about making them super soft and sweet, which then translates through the whole dish.
There’s no need cook a separate batch for your little one because it’s totally customizable for the whole family. When Jin was around 9 months, I would make a big batch, spoon out enough for his portions, then add the seasoning for the adults.
When serving, those who want to spice it up can do so. Check out the notes section of the recipe for variations.
Jin can sometimes be fussy with vegetables so I dice them up small and he just gobbles it all up without noticing!
I like to use peas, carrots and mushrooms but you can put anything you want.
Chasing Rainbows
It wasn’t a straight line to either babies, both born via IVF and over a span of seven years. In December 2019 we changed fertility clinics after our previous one sadly closed and we embarked on a new journey for baby no.2 and in hope of another IVF miracle. Secondary Infertility had taken me to the darkest places. Changed me in so many ways. Add in a cancer diagnosis for Phil in 2018 and I think we felt like the world was conspiring against us.

Reasons to Book a Babysitter
Using a babysitter isn’t something new for parents, in fact parents across the world have been using babysitters to enjoy nights out for decades now (babysitting is a very old practice which you can find out more about in our blog – Babysitting Facts – Did you know?). Our members families however have always been rather creative in how they use our babysitters at SafeCircle Sitters so we wanted to share with you some of these in our top 7 Reasons to Book a Babysitter:

Postpartum Exercise – Everything You Need To Know
What comes to mind when you think about postpartum exercise?
‘Getting your body back?’
‘Flattening your tummy?’
‘It seems like it’s a necessity but you’re not really sure why?’
In this article I am concentrating on very early postpartum so up to about 6 months after your baby has been born.

The Secret To Being A Calmer More Connected Parent During A Pandemic And Beyond – Free ebook Inside!
We’ve all been operating from our threat systems for a year now, running on adrenaline and cortisol, and it’s leaving its toll. Our threat system evolved to keep us safe in times of danger, but these times of danger were short term threats like escaping an animal attack, not year long pandemics.
What does this do to our bodies and minds?
How this manifests and impacts our bodies and minds is different for everyone, but its effects are there and impacting our capacity to parent in the way we want to.
You may be finding yourself losing your patience at you child, or turning into that shouty parent you never wanted to be. You might be feeling guilty or worrying about the impact of this on your relationship with your child.

Children Are Natural, Intuitive Eaters
What is Intuitive Eating?
In super simple terms it is eating what you want when you're hungry and stopping when you're full. This is a skill we're born with but there's loads of noise and influence from diet culture of restrictive diets that may yield results but cause long-term damage to food attitudes and body image.

How We Turned Our Baby Loss Tragedy Into A Positive
It was the autumn of 2019 and my husband and I had just found out we were expecting our first child together. We have both been married before and have children from those relationships but we really wanted a baby together. The joy that we felt when the test showed that we were 2-3 weeks pregnant is indescribable. But that joy was short lived…

How Do You Choose A Nanny, in England?
Little Steps Nanny and Events Agency is a UK Introduction Agency, owned and managed by Charlotte. Charlotte seeks to find and provide highly skilled, fun, caring and vetted childcare professionals for your household, your wedding day or your corporate event within the Surrey, Berkshire and Hampshire areas.

5 Steps To Sleep Success
Sleep challenges with little ones are so common. That’s why sleep consultant Natalie Graham has put together these 5 top tips that you can implement today and start making positive changes so that the whole family can be better rested. Small tweaks can make a massive difference!

My Inspiring Lockdown Weight Loss Journey
I started at a UK size 18 in April 2020, and now I am currently wearing a UK size 10. I’ve dropped 14 inches on my waist, and now weigh 11 stone with a healthy BMI. If you’re reading this thinking how? Honestly I felt the same. But there is no better time than right now! I couldn’t recommend more making the change for YOU and only YOU!
Felicity is a mum of 2, sharing motherhood and lifestyle day by day. Cambridge Mummy vlogs was established in 2019 during Felicity’s mental health struggles that she shares openly with her audience. She also shares her love for fitness, and in 2020 embarked on a huge journey to lose 100lbs (7 stone) in weight!

What’s The Best Way To Get Back Into Postnatal Exercise?
There is so much conflicting information about postnatal exercise, and part of the reason is that it’s a really individual situation for everybody. Your previous fitness level, your pregnancy, your birth experience and your postnatal recovery all play a huge part. Here are some top tips about how to get back to exercise safely.
The pregnancy and postnatal period is such a crucial time to look after yourself. It can be really hard postnatally to prioritise YOU when you have a new person who relies on you so much but it is so important to look after yourself as you will see the benefits throughout your whole life if you do.

Tummy To Tiny
Cherry and Elen from Rest Assured Sleep Coaching answer frequently asked questions about a newborn’s sleep patterns…
Finding out that you are expecting a baby can be one of the most exciting times in your life but it also life changing! A new life. A new baby. A new chapter. Frankly, it’s all rather overwhelming really isn’t it? Most new parents will have received the obligatory advice from well-meaning friends and family members - “your lives will change forever” they say, “get your sleep now while you can” they advise with a knowing chuckle, but what they don’t divulge is how to navigate the exciting yet daunting road/journey ahead, especially when it comes to sleep.
Ah yes, sleep. It’s almost as if sleep deprivation is a badge of honour to be expected to wear and to be worn with pride. We believe that this is not the case and, while sleep deprivation is almost unavoidable in the early days, weeks or months, there are small steps you can take to minimise this and prepare for what is ahead.
Are you Mess Stressed? Tips For Taking Your Home From Chaos To Calm
Are you mess stressed? Check out these five simple tips to get you started on your journey to a more serene and sorted life.

7 Ways To Rehab Your Pelvic Floor That Isn’t Just Kegels
Angela Rake, mum of 3, Pilates teacher specialising in women’s health and co-founder of Zing Wellness with her massage therapist husband, James, shares her top 7 ways to rehab your pelvic floor beyond just traditional kegels.
Many things can weaken the pelvic floor. High impact and combative sports, weight lifting, persistent coughs, the drop in oestrogen during menopause and neurological conditions that affect cognitive function can weaken the pelvic floor however in this blog I am focusing on one of the biggest pelvic floor weakeners which is pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood.

How Children Make Friends
Learning social skills will be one of your baby’s most important developmental processes; hugely important in family life, at school and, eventually, at work and throughout adult life.
Babies are pre-programmed to make social connections as this will ensure that they are cared for and, therefore, ultimately that they survive and thrive. They engage us with their eyes, their cries and then their smiles, giggles and coos.

What Should Be In A Baby Changing Bag?
Packing to leave the house is very similar (I imagine) to an SAS expedition, minus the hydration salts. So…the $64,000 question…what do I need to pack in a baby changing bag? Short answer, a lot, long answer – I’ve compiled a packing list.